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Why to look good? El porque queremos vernos bien?

     Have you ever been on the rush ?, and when you see someone you know , you want to hide because you did not take the time to dress up? All of us go through this. Whenever this happens , we keep telling ourselves : why i did not take my time? Whatever!  I didnt have time! Etc .... 
Then we just realize that we could have had more time for dressing up . And this is why i am talking about it . It doesn't take that much time and effort. First of all, we should tell ourselves , just when we wake up: " this is my day", " today i am going to take the better version of me, and I am show the world that wonderful person that I am " . 
In older posts i shared about easy makeup and outfits.  So today let your inner shine be reflected, there is something beautiful inside of you that you need to share it with those who sorround you. Make your aspect tell the unique and beautiful one who you really are. Wear your favorite perfume, put on your best outfit and go and conquer the world. We are all beautiful, it is all about confidence , and why not , your outer version makes a lot of differnce.  Cheer up and make this day instead of good a great one. 

      No te ha pasado que sales rapido de tu casa , y cuando ves a alguien que conoces te aguantas la pena ?  De alli te dices  :¿porque no me arreglé ? ¡ lo que sea! ¡ no tuve tiempo!  A todas nos ha pasado  
Es por eso que debemos arreglarnos. Y eso no toma tanto tiempo o esfuerzo. Lo primero que debes decirte al levantarte "este es mi día " , " hoy pondré mi mejor versión,  y lo hago para reflejar esa persona tan maravillosa que llevo dentro" .
En posts anteriores compartí un maquillaje fácil y practico que puedas aplicar. También he compartido  las piezas clasicas para looks sofisticados y fáciles de combinar. Asi que hoy ponte  tu mejor atuendo , echate tu locion favorita y sal a mostrar esa perona bella que llevas dentro atraves de tu aspect.   Todos somos bellos , y esos retoques todos los necesitamos. Así adueñate de hoy y pon tu mejor sonrisa , actitud y porque no, atuendo y sal a descubir y experimentar esa mejor versión que está dentro de ti. 

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